The Winter that Never Came

This has been a ridiculous winter, at least here in New York. We’ve consistently been in the 40’s (5C +). Some of the trees have tried to break bud already. A cold nap recently has finally brought us some snow, but hasn’t brought us down much below freezing at all. All in all, it’s been bizarre. This in no way explains my inability to post on here. I am attempting to remedy that right now.

The main reason I’m posting, other than to attempt to get myself back into it, is that I have updated my plant list. There were a few winter casualties, victims of my 3 week winter break absence from my apartment. But there have been many additions as well, largely in the orchid family. I’ve always had a special interest in them, but I have to make sure that I don’t become obsessed to the point of ignoring all other plant families. Check out the list to see what I’m growing at the moment. And mind you, I somehow manage to do this all in a tiny Manhattan apartment with maybe one hour of direct sun per day.

I would promise another (more interesting) update soon, but apparently I’m not very good at keeping promises like that. My main obstacle is getting photographs of my plants to post. The problem is that it’s a hassle. So, I basically have no excuse. I will see what I can do, dear reader.

Until next time, happy growing!

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