Monthly Archives: May 2011

Spring Growth

Spring has finally arrived in New York City, and it has brought along with it some nice new growth on a few of my plants.  Also, I finally have some actual pictures of my own to show you guys!  Here goes:

Tillandsia xerographica

I got this guy as a birthday present back in late January, and he’s barely done anything since then.  There were a few weeks where some of the bottom-most leaves died and it didn’t put out equal growth on top, so I was worried.  However, it seems to now have adjusted to my apartment.  I’m trying to give it more light, and hopefully the onset of spring will spur it into action.

Encyclia cochleata

A seedling from everyone’s favorite south Florida orchid species Encyclia cochleata, though some people are now classifying it as Anacheilium cochleatum.  They created this new genus for the non-resupinate Encyclias.  This is a fairly young plant that I mounted a few months ago.  The biggest growth plus the one to the right are all new since the mounting.  It hasn’t really wanted to attach itself, but I’m hoping that will change with the next psuedobulb or two.

Dendrobium sp.

Here’s an adorable keiki from an old Dendrobium cane I had (which itself was a keiki from a plant at the Vanderbilt greenhouses).  I haven’t the foggiest idea what species it might be, and it’s not going to be near blooming size for a while, so I guess I’ll just keep taking care of it until then.

Encyclia bractescens

This is my other Encyclia species.  It stays pretty small and compact with terminal sprays of delicate flowers.  This plant was theoretically blooming size when I bought it (said Oak Hill Gardens).  You can see four new growths in the picture above, which is awesome.  I think only three of them are going to develop.  The smallest one in the back middle of this picture has stalled out and sadly seems like it’s going to abort.  C’est la vie.  I am still hopeful for inflorescences on the other new growths.

Bulbophyllum frostii

Bulbophyllum is probably my favorite orchid genus (I’m weird that way).  This is a great compact miniature with maroon “Dutch shoe” flowers.  I also got this one at blooming size from Oak Hill Gardens (that place is amazing).  It’s put out two new pseudobulbs since I’ve had it.  In the pic above you can see a new growth on the central pseudobulb on the right hand side and right above it.  Unfortunately, I think the top one has also aborted (inexplicably).  The growth in front on the bottom also has a new growth hidden on the underside.  Not sure when it might flower.  I don’t think I’m giving it enough light.

I think that’s all for today.  I have some more exciting pictures, but I don’t want to give away all the goodies at the same time!  Hopefully I’ll post those in a few days, and then keep on a more regular schedule.  Coming up next post: an aroid inflorescence, some cool desert plants, and an orchid flower!