
I started this blog back when I was getting my MA in English Literature as a way to indulge my hobby obsession with growing rare plants.  Well, it turns out I wasn’t quite able to keep it a hobby, and traded post-structuralism for plants, heuristics for horticulture, onomatopoeia for orchids.  I’m now getting a diploma in horticulture from the School of Professional Horticulture at the New York Botanical Gardens.  The dream is to one day run a conservatory or other glasshouse collection of rare and interesting plants.  For now, the focus is on finishing up school and keeping up with the 150 or so plants in my Brooklyn studio.

Be sure to check out the “Plant List” tab for a full list of what I’m currently growing.  I’ll be updating the list as new acquisitions come in (and hopefully not as the casualties pile up).  Additionally, I’m hoping to write short entries on each of my plants, for those of you currently growing them or who are otherwise interested.

6 responses to “About

  1. Dear Sir,
    I would like very much to have this amazing plant Welwitschia mirabilis and begin to take care of it in a pot , just like yourself, it looks beautiful. Would you be kind enough to e-mail me and tell me if it is possible that I purchase a tiny plant from You, along with instructions on how to take care of it. Thank you so much. I live in Toronto. Bob, bobgorg@ymail.com

    • Sadly my plants died promptly after I repotted them. Welwitschia is a difficult plant to take care of in a pot, particularly when you have to repot it. I would recommend you check the Silverhill Seeds website. The often have seed, and this is where I got mine. Germination is quick and usually a high percentage. Best of luck!

  2. Have you graduated in your diploma in horticulture from the School of Professional Horticulture at the New York Botanical Gardens?

  3. Hi Wade! Happy 2016 to you!
    As a special invitation to you, and in recognition of your interests and dedications, you are welcome to submit your essay(s) or article(s) to be published at http://queenslandorchid.wordpress.com

    I would like to inform you that submissions are inclusive of personal articles, academic papers or manifestos, whether or not they are technically written, and whether or not they have been published elsewhere.

    Submission is by email.

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